How we met...

The bride and groom met way up in the northern parts of Sweden during spring of 2006. They were both studying at LTU (Luleå University of Technology).
They had some mutual friends but had only talked to each other briefly at school. Nothing really happened between them, until one Saturday night in May. Johan has tried to claim he was slowly trying to woo Linda at the time, but it doesn't count as he took to long to get his ass moving.
Early one Saturday evening (maybe more like in the dead of night), after a veeeery small glass of wine (or a couple of) Linda, as inpatient as always, called Samir to get a hold of Johans phone nr. After some persuasion (and vague threats) she got hold on it and made the fateful call that went something like this:
Linda: "Hi, its Linda, do you know me?"
Johan: "Eh, well yeah, hi"
Linda: "What´re you doing?"
Johan: "Eh well nothing really, just hanging with friends and watching a movie, you?"
Linda: "Oh, well I´m at Kåren (student bar) and hoped you were here, but anywho, you wanna come over to my place?"
Johan "Wow, well, Yeah, I´ll be there in 10 min"
Linda: "Ok, bye".
Johan immediately went home, brushed his teaths and changed his underware. When he arrived at Lindas place they talked and ate some snacks that Julia (the roommate) scrambled together. Not before long Linda was sleeping peacefully against Johan's arm (promise - it was the foods fault!) As the proper gentleman he is, he then put Linda to bed but stayed (fully dressed one might add). Breakfast was made in the morning after by Julia, home made scones fresh from the oven as both girls seemed fond of Johan.
As neither the bride and groom wanted to rush into a relationship, it took Johan at least 10 hours until he unoffically moved in with Linda and Julia.
They had some mutual friends but had only talked to each other briefly at school. Nothing really happened between them, until one Saturday night in May. Johan has tried to claim he was slowly trying to woo Linda at the time, but it doesn't count as he took to long to get his ass moving.
Early one Saturday evening (maybe more like in the dead of night), after a veeeery small glass of wine (or a couple of) Linda, as inpatient as always, called Samir to get a hold of Johans phone nr. After some persuasion (and vague threats) she got hold on it and made the fateful call that went something like this:
Linda: "Hi, its Linda, do you know me?"
Johan: "Eh, well yeah, hi"
Linda: "What´re you doing?"
Johan: "Eh well nothing really, just hanging with friends and watching a movie, you?"
Linda: "Oh, well I´m at Kåren (student bar) and hoped you were here, but anywho, you wanna come over to my place?"
Johan "Wow, well, Yeah, I´ll be there in 10 min"
Linda: "Ok, bye".
Johan immediately went home, brushed his teaths and changed his underware. When he arrived at Lindas place they talked and ate some snacks that Julia (the roommate) scrambled together. Not before long Linda was sleeping peacefully against Johan's arm (promise - it was the foods fault!) As the proper gentleman he is, he then put Linda to bed but stayed (fully dressed one might add). Breakfast was made in the morning after by Julia, home made scones fresh from the oven as both girls seemed fond of Johan.
As neither the bride and groom wanted to rush into a relationship, it took Johan at least 10 hours until he unoffically moved in with Linda and Julia.

The Engagement...
It all started June 1st in the city Kiel (Germany) at a wedding with Linda´s distance cousin Daniela marrying. At the reception, Johan took Christer (Linda´s Dad) outside at the reception and asked for Linda´s hand in marriage (as a proper man !!! ) Christer happily gave his blessing, and promised not the tell a single soul. A promise which he kept (well except for tattling to Marita (mom) and Emma (sister).
Now Johan started planning the engagement.
By a coincident Johans Birthday is July 26th and Lindas on the 29th, so why shouldn't both families join to celebrate the two birthdays with a picnic in the gardens of the royal palace?
Sneaky Johan made Linda help to plan the whole thing, what to buy for the picnic, making chicken spears and freshly baked baguettes while Johan bought the Champagne.
On the big day, everybody met up at the dock by Stadshuset and boarded the boat "Prince Carl Philip" that would take them to the palace. Arriving after a lovely 90 minute boat ride, they all found a nice spot to settle down and have their picnic (food a plenty).
After everybody had finished, it was time for the"birthday toast". Linda tried to take charge (to thank everybody for coming), but Johan stopped her (whaaaat ?!?) and instead started his faboulus speech (that he´d well rehearsed the day before). The speech contained a short story, much as the text above, about how they met, why Linda was so amazing (sigh, oh so nice that other people also know) to end with Johan kneeling and asking Linda to marry him.
The answer, well you can guess. Before Johan could present Linda with the ring she had jumped him, sticking to him like glue.
The head of the two families then decided that since Johans birthday was on the 26th, Lindas on the 29th and the engagment on the 28th. The perfect day for the wedding would be on the 27th. And so the planning started !!